Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mom Does Weird Stuff

Not sure about other dogs' moms, but ours does some weird stuff sometimes. She gets excited over the strangest things. Like when we go potty. Heck! We're just doing our business, Mom! Give us a moment! Gosh! Or when the mail comes. Last week, she got all excited over a piece of paper. She showed it to us, but we just wanted to run off with it and shred it up into a bizillion pieces. Yesterday, same thing, only this time it was a photograph. Mom said it was of her and I. I'll take her word for it.

Regardless of what she's getting excited about, it usually means Tyler and I get to capitalize one way or another on it. Yes, we're talking about scheming, planning, and plotting. When Mom's in a good mood, then everyone's in a good mood -- you know that! If she whistling or humming around the house, that usually means she's happy and that means cookies! Yeah, boy! That's right, hand them this way!

As I see it, it all comes down to food. When she's in a good mood, she's probably more willing to give me a cookie than when she's not in a good a mood. See my point. So I don't necessarily care what she's happy about, just as long as she passing the goodies my way. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mom and I'm glad she's happy. Let's just say that I'm keeping one eye on her and the other on the cookie jar!

For Tyler and I, Merry Christmas!

Happy Beardie Bounces!


Talkin' Bout the Weather

Living in Texas, the weather is funny thing. It takes on its own personality. Earlier this week, it was sunny and warm. Mom had us outside and let us play for long time. She even stayed out with us for awhile enjoying the warm weather. Then we had thunderstorms - Ted and I are not big fans of those. After that, it got colder - at least for her anyways. We didn't think so. We liked it. She kept running around saying to Daddy how cold it was outside and she kept putting more clothes on. How silly! Tedi's making the adjustment to Texas weather. He didn't like the heat so much, but the fall and early winter seems to be agreeing with him. Tedi & I enjoy the brisk weather. Afterall, we were built for chasing after sheep in highlands in this kind of weather. We just need a touch of moisture in the air and it would be absolutely perfect for us!

On a different note, Mom thinks she's some kind of comedienne. She looked at me and said, "Why don't you take your coat off and stay and while." I was not amused.

For Tedi and myself, Happy Beardie Bounces!

Welcome to Tedi & Tyler's Beardie Blog!

Hi there!

Let us first introduce ourselves, we're Tedi and Tyler. We're a dog breed known as Bearded Collies. And before you say that we don't look like Lassie, yep we don't look anything like those type of dogs. That's because we're a different breed altogether. Mom says it's a long story, but basically comes down to us being from Scotland or something. We really don't care, we're just happy to be here. :) If you do and want to find out more about us, there are some great links to check out.

Mom calls us The Original Sons of Anarchy because of the havoc we like wreak on her nice, neat, clean house. We blush a little 'cuz it kinda true. Beardies do like to have lots of fun and bounce and play. She takes life too seriously sometimes and we take it upon ourselves to teach her lighten up. We kept bugging her to start our blog for us since we have lots to say and while she's tweaking on the look (we're not happy with the design just yet), we'll be adding more content, so please check back with us.

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Beardie Bounces,

Tedi & Tyler