Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Cheating Mom

I think our Mom is cheating on Tedi and I with another dog. Some might say that I'm imagining things or letting my doggy imagination run away with me, but before you pass judgment, I've got proof.

First, she's sneaking off several times a week and she says, "I'll be back." Second, when she comes back from these "little visits" she smells of other dogs specifically one female dog. She has the other dog's smell on her every time she returns. Mom flaunts her excursions openly, too. She tells us, that we smell "Tula" on her. Like Tula is some kind of new perfume or something. So, this dog your cheating on us with has a name and her name is Tula.

Now, I don't have a problem with Mom "visiting" other dogs. It's okay when she does that because she comes back with all sort of new smells. However, her visitations with Miss Tula have been going on for over 2 months! Next thing you know she'll be bringing this Tula home with her. Bad enough Lisa's still here. Lisa's okay and all, but she's old and doesn't do much.

And Honey keeps coming over every few weeks. When she comes over the whole house gets turned upside down and I get shoved down the totem pole a notch. Bringing yet another dog into the house will just force me one more notch down, I guess. Honey tries to get me to play with her. I don't get it. Playing with dogs is such a dog thing to do and so beneath me. Playing with Mom & Dad is much more fun.

Mom says Tula doesn't have a family of her own. I like that Mom helps out these poor pups, but please Mom, enough's enough! Help them, just please don't bring any more home!

Happy Bounces!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Congratulations to Me!

Sorry, I haven't written in a few weeks folks, but Mom's been hogging the computer, again. C'mon, what's a dog gotta do to get a little computer time! Anyway, I wanna tell you about my good news. Mom and I went to dog show in Austin, TX and it was just us - no Tyler, no Lisa, just me and Mom. It was awesome. Mom and I haven't had time on our own like this, so it was so wonderful. We hung out with Mom's friends, Jeanie, Donna, Ariana and Sabrina, and their dogs.

Mom said I was there to work and you know what that means! Yes! Treats are coming my way. Oh, boy! Mom was tough this time around. She made me earn those cookies. We go to the ring and do our regular pre-work routine. I chill out in my crate and she stands around and talks. Uh-oh, she's in the ring now, that must mean it'll be time to go to work soon, I must be ready. And I am. I bring my best game. Put me in Mom, I'm ready!

Mom and I do some warm-up exercises and we're thinking as a team. I can feel it. I give her my best bounce before we go in the ring to show her I'm ready to go! The judge asks us if we're ready and Mom replies, "Yes, sir." and I hear those glorious, magnificent words, "Forward!" and Mom says, "Let's go!" Mom did really good; I think she's getting the hang of this Rally game. We cruised the ring and did everything the signs said. We had one or two small areas where I kinda got a little distracted, but Mom got me back in the game. No worries! We finish the course and Mom runs me over to the crate and mmmmm, gives Yummy! Mom is very happy about our run. She says we did a good job and I think so, too. And the judge agreed. He gave us a score of 98! This beat our 97 at the National! Yay!! We got to back in the ring again and do the clappy thing and we got another ribbon for 3rd place! Woohoo! Mom says to enjoy this while we can, cuz tomorrow we have to do it all over again.

Sunday comes and we do the same pre-work routine again. I chill while she chats. Then, I see her in the ring. Time to get ready. Mom looks a little nervous today as we're doing our warm-ups. She's trying to hide it, but I can tell. I act goofy to make her smile; it's gonna be okay Mom, I tell her. We get in the ring and the judge says, "Forward" and we go. We do pretty good although I got the feeling that Mom felt a little lost today (more than usual!). The course was a bit confusing and Mom had to stop a few times to see where we were supposed to go. Understandable, she doesn't want to repeat Cen-Tex last year where she missed a station and we didn't Q. I stick with her and we get through the course. Mom looks relieved and happy. She says I did great and best of all I get my reward - a mouth full of food! Yum! Yum! I love that part.

Mom checks the score and comes running over to me bursting with happiness. "We got a 95 Ted! Great job! Momma's proud of you." She says giving me a big hug. Of course, we were gonna do good, Mom, I told you not to fret. I say back to her giving her a big kiss. Best of all, we got another 3rd place. Mom told me that this was a challenging course and a lot dogs didn't Q. I'm very proud of Mom, she did a good job of keeping us on track.

As an extra reward for my hard work, Mom took me over to Pet Deli and bought me a beef strap. I was so happy and proud, I carried it all the way back to my crate in Jeanie's setup. My crate neighbor, Rosie the Great Pyrenees puppy, was not keen on me having the beef strap. She barked at me and wanted me to give it to her. I just turned around and gave the her the cold, hairy shoulder. I don't think so, missy! Rosie's cute; she looks like a big cotton ball, but she's not getting my trophy!

All in all, it was a great weekend. I really enjoyed my alone time with Mom. It helped my bond with her get a little stronger, I think. For all dogs, living in multi-dog houses, I strongly recommend getting some one-on-one time with your Mom or Dad. That's it from me, for now. Oh, before I go, Mom says she has me entered in a few more trials - sweet! More opportunities to work, I love it!

Bounce high my friends!
