She's done it again, folks! A few weeks ago, Mom brought home another one, another homeless waif! That Tula girl that we mentioned awhile back, well, she's here at our house now. Sigh...wonder how long this one will be with us. It's not that I mind Mom helping these dogs out. She tells me they have no home of their own and that we're their family until their forever family comes along. Well, that's all well and good, up to a point. And that point is, when I get shoved down the totem pole!
At first, I wasn't sure if Tula liked Tedi and I. She gave us dirty looks and growled at us. We were just trying to get to know her! Geez, lady, take it easy! Ok, ok, maybe we were being a bit rude, but we need to know who you are! After a few days here, she settled down and now she just gives us dirty looks sometimes. Tula had a crush on me for a few days. She tried to get me to play and kept rubbing on me. What's that all about!?! Now, she's moved onto Tedi and pals around with him. Guess I'm yesterday's news.
The only dog she doesn't do anything to is Lisa. I figured if there was one dog in the house she would mess with, it would be her. You know how those girls can be! Tedi and I can sit ringside and watch - girl fight! girl fight! But, alas, no...Tula looks after Lisa. It's actually kinda sweet.
Mom and I are still doing the class thing and I'm really getting the hang of this training, then playing bit. It's cool. Mom might just understand me after all. She says we're going to try something call agility soon. If has anything to do with those cool looking big toys at our training place, then I'm in a for a treat! I'll report in and let you know how it all goes. Hope Mom can keep up with me!
All the best,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year EveryBeardie!
What my brother, Tedi, is trying to say in his ramblings below is Mom is excited about the New Year and so am I! Mom says this new year is going to better than our current year. Not exactly sure what she means by that, since for us dogs, one day really seems like the next day, give or take a few things. I guess we'll have to take her word for it.
I do know my Mom has been sad a lot this year. Many times she's come up to me and Tedi and hugged us and she's been crying. That's not good. I don't like it when she's sad. Tedi and I always give her kisses to make her tears go away. We also like to act goofy and put on our best and biggest Beardie smiles, too. Mom's told me that my grandpa and grand-uncle have both gone onto the Rainbow Bridge this year. Not sure where this Bridge place is, but anytime my Mom mentions it, she gets real sad. She also told me, my Papa, which is my human Daddy's daddy, went there, too. It's good that people and dogs can be together. My Mom says that we've lost many people and Beardies this year and she will be glad to see this year be gone. Mom, if we lost these people and Beardies, then lets go find them, I say! I've got a great nose - I can sniff 'em out! "I know you have a great nose, but it's not that easy," she says as she gives me a kiss on the head. Oh, well, I tried. So I go get my big blue bone and see if she wants to play with me to take her mind off this sad matter.
One thing that's got me jazzed up about the New Year is this new class Mom and I are doing together. She told me the name of it and I forget, but all we do is play! Ok, not really, we do SOME work and then we play. Do a little more work, then play again. Does that sound like fun! It is! I love to play, especially with my ball. At first, I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I started getting a little bored. Yes, Mom, I know how to sit, I know how to do a down, and how to stay. Boring - boring - boring, teach me something I don't know!! Well, it's not that we're learning new things, it's that I'm getting to make choices and when I make the right choices - we play! Woohoo! And when I don't make the right choice, nothing happens. It makes me think and I like to think about stuff! That in itself is fun, too! Best of all, there's no Tedi around. It's just me and Mom! Sometimes, we stop off and get ice cream afterwards, too! Just don't tell Ted, he has a hard enough time with me leaving with Mom!
We want to wish everyBeardie a safe, happy and prosperous New Year! Happy Bounces!
Your pal,
I do know my Mom has been sad a lot this year. Many times she's come up to me and Tedi and hugged us and she's been crying. That's not good. I don't like it when she's sad. Tedi and I always give her kisses to make her tears go away. We also like to act goofy and put on our best and biggest Beardie smiles, too. Mom's told me that my grandpa and grand-uncle have both gone onto the Rainbow Bridge this year. Not sure where this Bridge place is, but anytime my Mom mentions it, she gets real sad. She also told me, my Papa, which is my human Daddy's daddy, went there, too. It's good that people and dogs can be together. My Mom says that we've lost many people and Beardies this year and she will be glad to see this year be gone. Mom, if we lost these people and Beardies, then lets go find them, I say! I've got a great nose - I can sniff 'em out! "I know you have a great nose, but it's not that easy," she says as she gives me a kiss on the head. Oh, well, I tried. So I go get my big blue bone and see if she wants to play with me to take her mind off this sad matter.
One thing that's got me jazzed up about the New Year is this new class Mom and I are doing together. She told me the name of it and I forget, but all we do is play! Ok, not really, we do SOME work and then we play. Do a little more work, then play again. Does that sound like fun! It is! I love to play, especially with my ball. At first, I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I started getting a little bored. Yes, Mom, I know how to sit, I know how to do a down, and how to stay. Boring - boring - boring, teach me something I don't know!! Well, it's not that we're learning new things, it's that I'm getting to make choices and when I make the right choices - we play! Woohoo! And when I don't make the right choice, nothing happens. It makes me think and I like to think about stuff! That in itself is fun, too! Best of all, there's no Tedi around. It's just me and Mom! Sometimes, we stop off and get ice cream afterwards, too! Just don't tell Ted, he has a hard enough time with me leaving with Mom!
We want to wish everyBeardie a safe, happy and prosperous New Year! Happy Bounces!
Your pal,
Bearded Collie,
Beardie smiles,
New Year,
Rainbow Bridge
Happy New Year! or something...
Yes, we know. Tyler and I haven't written in a over a month. We offer our deepest apologies. Mom has been keeping us busy with something called Christmas and holidays - whatever those are! Anyway, she finally let us get some 'puter time in!
When it comes to this Christmas thing, I don't know much about other than that's when Mom sets up our indoor potty area. Isn't that so nice of her? Now, us boys don't have to go outside to our business we can just hike our leg up to this fancy looking tree thingy. Funny, while it looks like a tree, it doesn't smell like one; wonder why? Oh, well, it's here and we think its grand! Thanks, Mom! I don't know why she seems so upset at us though. Must be a mom-thing. Too bad she's taking it down now, that sucks! Oh, well, always next year!
Speaking of next year, I heard Mom talking about something called the New Year. Don't really know what she means by that, but I can tell by her face that it's something she's happy about. And if Mom's happy, then there's a chance I'll get a cookie!! Yum! I digress...sorry...just that food is my favorite topic. I love food, I love talking about food, thinking about food, and of course eating food. It's also fun to conspire about ways to get more -- gosh, dagnabbit! I'm doin' it again! What was I talking about oh, that's right, cookies! Cookies are great, aren't they? They make you feel good; they make me feel really good. I love 'em! I'm mesmerized by them...ah....cookies......just the sound of the --- Oh FoR HeAvEnS' SaKe -- I give up.
Bounce High My Friends & Happy New Year Y'all!

Speaking of next year, I heard Mom talking about something called the New Year. Don't really know what she means by that, but I can tell by her face that it's something she's happy about. And if Mom's happy, then there's a chance I'll get a cookie!! Yum! I digress...sorry...just that food is my favorite topic. I love food, I love talking about food, thinking about food, and of course eating food. It's also fun to conspire about ways to get more -- gosh, dagnabbit! I'm doin' it again! What was I talking about oh, that's right, cookies! Cookies are great, aren't they? They make you feel good; they make me feel really good. I love 'em! I'm mesmerized by them...ah....cookies......just the sound of the --- Oh FoR HeAvEnS' SaKe -- I give up.
Bounce High My Friends & Happy New Year Y'all!
Bearded Collie,
dog biscuits,
New Year
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Our Cheating Mom
I think our Mom is cheating on Tedi and I with another dog. Some might say that I'm imagining things or letting my doggy imagination run away with me, but before you pass judgment, I've got proof.
First, she's sneaking off several times a week and she says, "I'll be back." Second, when she comes back from these "little visits" she smells of other dogs specifically one female dog. She has the other dog's smell on her every time she returns. Mom flaunts her excursions openly, too. She tells us, that we smell "Tula" on her. Like Tula is some kind of new perfume or something. So, this dog your cheating on us with has a name and her name is Tula.
Now, I don't have a problem with Mom "visiting" other dogs. It's okay when she does that because she comes back with all sort of new smells. However, her visitations with Miss Tula have been going on for over 2 months! Next thing you know she'll be bringing this Tula home with her. Bad enough Lisa's still here. Lisa's okay and all, but she's old and doesn't do much.
And Honey keeps coming over every few weeks. When she comes over the whole house gets turned upside down and I get shoved down the totem pole a notch. Bringing yet another dog into the house will just force me one more notch down, I guess. Honey tries to get me to play with her. I don't get it. Playing with dogs is such a dog thing to do and so beneath me. Playing with Mom & Dad is much more fun.
Mom says Tula doesn't have a family of her own. I like that Mom helps out these poor pups, but please Mom, enough's enough! Help them, just please don't bring any more home!
Happy Bounces!
First, she's sneaking off several times a week and she says, "I'll be back." Second, when she comes back from these "little visits" she smells of other dogs specifically one female dog. She has the other dog's smell on her every time she returns. Mom flaunts her excursions openly, too. She tells us, that we smell "Tula" on her. Like Tula is some kind of new perfume or something. So, this dog your cheating on us with has a name and her name is Tula.
Now, I don't have a problem with Mom "visiting" other dogs. It's okay when she does that because she comes back with all sort of new smells. However, her visitations with Miss Tula have been going on for over 2 months! Next thing you know she'll be bringing this Tula home with her. Bad enough Lisa's still here. Lisa's okay and all, but she's old and doesn't do much.
And Honey keeps coming over every few weeks. When she comes over the whole house gets turned upside down and I get shoved down the totem pole a notch. Bringing yet another dog into the house will just force me one more notch down, I guess. Honey tries to get me to play with her. I don't get it. Playing with dogs is such a dog thing to do and so beneath me. Playing with Mom & Dad is much more fun.
Mom says Tula doesn't have a family of her own. I like that Mom helps out these poor pups, but please Mom, enough's enough! Help them, just please don't bring any more home!
Happy Bounces!
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